Wanjia Huang

西南交通大学 软件工程



Volatile Devices:

  1. Volatile means that if you pull the power from the machine, then the data is lost.
  2. Volatile storage supports fast random access with byte-addressable locations. This means that the program can jump to any byte address and get the data that is there
  3. For our purposes, we will always refer to this storage class as “memory.”

Non-Volatile Devices:

  1. Non-volatile means that the storage device does not require continuous power in order for the device to retain the bits that it is storing.
  2. It is also block/page addressable. This means that in order to read a value at a particular offset, the program first has to load the 4 KB page into memory that holds the value the program wants to read.
  3. Non-volatile storage is traditionally better at sequential access (reading multiple contiguous chunks of data at the same time).
  4. We will refer to this as “disk.” We will not make a (major) distinction between solid-state storage (SSD) and spinning hard drives (HDD).


数据库都在磁盘上,数据库文件中的数据被组织成多个页面,第一个页面是目录页面。为了对数据进行操作,DBMS需要将数据放入内存。它通过拥有一个缓冲池(Buffer pool)来实现这一点,该缓冲池管理磁盘和内存之间的数据来回移动。DBMS还具有执行查询的执行引擎。执行引擎将向缓冲池请求特定页面,缓冲池将负责将该页面带入内存,并向执行引擎提供指向内存中该页面的指针。缓冲池管理器将确保当执行引擎在内存的该部分上运行时,页面在那里

We do not advise using mmap in a DBMS for correctness and performance reasons.

Database Pages





  1. Hardware page (usually 4 KB).
  2. OS page (4 KB).
  3. Database page (1-16 KB).

Database Heap


  1. Linked List:Headers包含指向空闲页列表和数据页列表的指针。但是,如果DBMS正在查找特定页面,它必须对数据页面列表进行顺序扫描,直到找到它正在查找的页面。
  2. Page Directory:DBMS维护特殊页面,跟踪数据页面的位置以及每个页面上的可用空间量。

Page Layout


• Page size.

• Checksum.

• DBMS version.

• Transaction visibility.

• Self-containment. (Some systems like Oracle require this.)

Page Layout

  1. Slotted Pages
  2. Log-Structured

Tuple Layout


  1. Tuple Header:包含关于元组的元数据

    1. DBMS并发控制协议的可见性信息(即关于哪个事务创建/修改了该元组的信息)。
    2. 空值的位图
    3. DBMS不需要在此处存储关于数据库模式的元数据
  2. Tuple Data:属性的实际数据

    1. 属性通常按创建表时指定的顺序存储。
    2. 大多数数据库管理系统不允许元组超过页面大小。
  3. Unique Identifier

    1. 数据库中的每个元组都分配了一个唯一标识符。
    2. 最常见的:page_id + (offset or slot)
    3. 应用程序不能依赖这些ID来表示任何内容。